Missionary Tim Board Oct. 22, 2023 Do you really believe that what you believe is really real? And therefore, what is the practical relevance that it makes in your life? Not in the great by and by, then and there, but here and now. It's a both and thing. And so let's go ahead and open our Bibles to Romans chapter 15 as we take a look at the reality of what I call, this is the mission of grace.
And as we open up the Word of God, always remember and never forget, this is one of my dad isms. And I'm sure your kids and grandkids, have a list as well. Is that the historical narratives of Holy Scripture transpired in real time and space. And the reason why I hammer that all over the country is this, due to secularization, and listen, regardless of where you live, whether you live way out, we're kind of like where we live 25 miles from Walmart in a rural agricultural community, although we live in town, or you live in the city kind of like we do, regardless. It doesn't matter, due to basically the progressively liberal news media, woke neomarxism, and pop culture, Hollywood, institutionalized pagan education, and everything. Every one of us, regardless of where we live in this world and the flesh, the world and the devil wreaks havoc upon our own lives and the church and the family, often unbeknownst to the church and family. And hence we need to be like the sons of Issachar, have an intelligent understanding of the times in which we live through the lens of a comprehensive biblical Christian worldview. So for example, when we come to the word of God, you know, we're not coming to a situation that is rooted in, Oh, what's the first verse of the Bible say? Does it say once upon a time? No we're not in a galaxy far away, long ago in Narnia Middle Earth or Star Wars or any of these types of things. It's like we enjoy those neat stories and everything, a lot of redemptive themes in there. Oftentimes by common grace, even if, the producers weren't coming from a Christian worldview in these things. But the issue is that when we come to the Word of God, what's the first verse of the Bible say? It says, In the beginning, God, and it doesn't end with, and they live happily ever after. Are you following me on that? Listen, it's really not that complicated, but it's rooted in the all glorious reality that for crying out loud, it is exciting being a Christian. Amen. And so when Apostle Paul is writing by divine inspiration of God, the Holy Spirit to the church in ancient Rome, and in there, and incidentally, there were a host of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the church there, whose allegiance, even though they were citizens of the Roman Empire, whose supreme and ultimate allegiance was not to the Emperor. Was not to Caesar. And so once again, One of the critical needs in our day and age in the modern church. Is to not only have an intelligent understanding of the times, but what that in many respects, one of the many dynamics, what that's translated in into is understanding the stalwart, faithfulness of God's providence in history. Because every one of us are heirs to the past and we're ancestors to the future, and it is in so many American Christians have an abysmally low in lean understanding of Church history, of American history, let alone our own family history, dear ones, because every one of us have been bequeathed a legacy, and we are bequeathing, we're giving, we're passing down a legacy and everything, and so when we come to this book, Paul's Epistle to the Romans, written by divine inspiration of God the Holy Spirit, we're dealing with a systematic treatise His magnum opus of his epistles. We see in the book of Romans the systematic unfolding of the righteousness of God. How can a righteous holy God declare righteous or justify ungodly sinners spiritually dead in trespasses and sins? And still remain righteous and holy in doing so. It's called the cross. It's called the power of the cross. It's called the biblical doctrine of justification, propitiation, redemption, forgiveness of sins. Received instantaneously at salvation, dear ones. It's called the gospel of grace. And as a result of this, how we should live as God's people in this day and age, hell bent on rebellion against the creator God. The Sovereign Creator King, our merciful Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ. And so in Romans chapter 15, let's zero in on verse 15. I invite you to follow along in your Bibles as I read along from my, from the New King James Version of the Bible. Romans 15, beginning in verse 15. Here the scripture says, Nevertheless, brethren, I have written more boldly to you on some points. As reminding you, because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, verse 17, I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus, in the things which pertain to God. For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient, in mighty signs, verse 19, in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ, and so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man's foundation, but as it is written in verse 21. To whom he was not announced, they shall heard, shall understand. Leonard Ravenhill writes in his book, Meat for Men. He said this says no nation is better than its church. He was an English evangelist who lived from basically 1904 to 2000 for just a ballpark. You get the idea. 1907 to 94 rather. He said this. No nation is better than its church, and no church is better than its people. Only God transformed personalities can change the moral fiber of the nation, and I would add, and the nations of the world. And that was his bold challenge, and he prefaced his poignant words by explaining this. He says that, I believe that at this hour, the world is facing more solemn alternatives. And this was in the 1960s, during the height of the Cold War. Alright, think Soviet Russia. The world is facing more solemn alternatives than she did on the eve of the Civil War. Few Americans doubt that this age needs a spiritual and moral revolution. He goes on to say, We who have an awareness of the world peril and lateness of the hour are debtors to rescue what will otherwise be a lost cause and perpetual blot on our spiritual history. Having the load of spiritual potential mentioned, basically in this chapter he was talking about, it was called, Let's Stop Playing Church. He says, America can and must rise to write a new chapter in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ. And so I pray that the earnest longing and yearning of your heart is that God's Spirit would raise up a generation with a passion for His glory and grace, that are willing, that are surrendered. Our broken and awestruck humility before the vertical reality of his awesome, sovereign majesty in Christ, and they're willing and surrendered to the Lord to go forth wherever his mighty hand outstretched arm leads, guides and directs and because watch this. You see, in verse 15 through 17, this this is the stewardship of grace. Nevertheless, brethren, I have written more boldly to you on some points as reminding you because of the look at what he says right at the end of verse 15 because of the grace given to me by God. He's reminding them. He's not giving them. This might be something that you want to remember, tuck in your memory banks because one of the afflictions of the modern church is just like this mealy mouth milk toast because the 11th commandment is thou shalt be nice. We don't want to offend anybody in these types of things like, Oh he's mean, he hurt my feelings and everything. Yes, I'm not saying that we go around with a banty rooster, a chip on our shoulder looking for a fight, guns blazing, these types of things. But having said that, when the ancient Hebrew prophets… came to town or Paul, for that matter, they're not looking to like, Hey, just to pet everybody's conscience and everything. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you're, you're good and everything's fine and everything. And Jesus came to give you your best life now because you're the center of the universe. That's not biblical Christianity. Dear ones, the holy, righteous, Sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords who spoke galaxies into existence and gives us life and breath and all things. He came here to rescue and redeem us from sin and death and darkness. And it's not a conversation. The mouth of the Lord has spoken, dear ones. And so look what he says here. He's reminding them because of the grace given to me. By God. And yes, we understand that Paul was uniquely given. He was uniquely entrusted with a stewardship responsibility of the gospel of grace. And yes, every one of us as members of the church, which is the body of which he is the head, Christ Jesus, has also been given a stewardship responsibility. A lot of times people say, Oh, we're under grace. You can do what you want. That's not Pauline. That might sound dispensational, but it's not Pauline, dear ones. And so the issue is that we have not, we have not been saved by works, but we're saved unto good works, recreated in Christ Jesus as His workmanship. And so we have work to do, and we will give an account of this stewardship at the judgment seat of Christ, the Bema. Yes, we rejoice and we look forward to the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior. But in tandem with that pre tribulational secret coming of Christ to rapture his church before all hell literally breaks loose on this world in the prophesied time of Jacob's trouble and the tribulation period and everything. But prior, in tandem to that, prior to all that hit in the fan, in tandem with that pre trib rapture, There is a judgment day of reckoning for the church. What we're talking about, we will give an account of how we use our time. You ever waste any time in your life? Yeah. I look back, and yes, I just turned 43 years old. And so when Mike mentioned that it was Tim's birthday, I was thinking he was talking about me! My birthday was on Wednesday! But incidentally Tim Callen's birthday was also my mom's birthday, so she would have been 71 years old, but she's doing just fine. She's in the glory of heaven, hallelujah. But, indeed the Lord's been faithful to you and I both, brother. So this is the issue that when we look back on our life, you waste it any time? Oh, man, I just, I look, I think about some of the utterly foolish nonsense, and that's maybe a little overly generous, ungodliness, and stupid things that I did when I was a kid, as far as talking about just as far as the amount, how I used time, just as far as in whether it's in just stupid movies or video games and a whole host of non redemptive hobbies and just things and everything, it's like but once again, what does Paul say? In 14, forgetting those things which are behind you, we learn from those things and we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And so one of the important things for us, regardless of your season of life, to redeem the time, use your time wisely, especially when you're young. Learn how to do stuff. Like in Psalm 78, at the end of that psalm, it talks about David, how he shepherded, he led Israel faithfully in his generation, according to the integrity of its heart. It was a man after God's own heart. He, he, he had a forward leaning mind and his life was in the hand of God. His family life was a mess, dent of iniquity, and he was a lousy father and everything. But listen, we all have issues dear once, but the scripture says he shepherded Israel according to the integrity of his heart. But also it said this, the skillfulness of his hands, he knew how to do stuff. So learn whatever your season, but learn how to do some cultivate your entire being body, soul, and spirit. So redeem the time. Use your time. We will give an account before the Lord, but also how we used, we invested the gifts, the talents and abilities that the Lord has entrusted to our care. And these gifts that he's blessed us with, they're not for me, myself, and I. You know why that's an issue with us? Because we want it to be about me, myself, and I. We're like Paul. Oh, wretched man that I am. Who will deliver me? Because we want to be at the center of the universe. Due to secularization. Even many in the modern church. Put man at the center. Of course, marketing, advertisers, and you know, everything. It's like, that's the whole deal. Christmas is coming. And who needs Christmas when you got the cutification of evil and the glamorization of death this month? Big bucks. And it's putting you at the center and say, just all this type of thing and just, you know, you're who you think you are and who you want to be and all these types of things. And so yes, like Paul Turner says, Halloween's my favorite holiday because they come to your door. Dish out the gospel. And you know what? Listen. Brean Bible Society has a new gospel tract. Well, it's an old one, but a new cover and they knocked it out of the park. There is a spine tingling Grim Reaper with a sickle on the front of it. This is the personification of death right there. And Yes. So pray for the salvation of souls. Use your talents. Use your gifts. Investing them in eternity. And we have been created in God's image. For His glory. And a part of it, what that means is to take dominion of this, of this world. Fill the earth and subdue it. And, and fill this world with worshippers of the true and living God. Be fruitful. Multiply. I mean, it's not peripheral to gospel ministry, and one of the things that we've seen across the country is many churches have shot themselves in the foot by not having babies. Did Grandpa give his granddaughter a lollipop to perfect timing, say, Yay? No, I don't think so, but that was good. That was good. That's glorious. When you hear kids... Cry and fuss in the worship service. That's the picture. That's a glimpse of the glory of God. Hallelujah. And so, but also it's our time, our talents, but also our treasure. Put your money where your mouth is. Like Jesus, the Lord Jesus said in his earthly ministry, the nation of Israel, Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. You make time and you carve out money for what is important to you. Dear ones, and listen, if there is any time in our history in which it is desperately needed for Christians to be very deliberate at where we invest the resources entrusted to our care as far as financially is concerned, it is today. You know, as far as your investment portfolio, if you ever looked under the hood, as far as your large cap, mid cap, small cap funds, if you have that type of thing or whatever it if you ever looked under the hood, as far as like, Hey, what am I investing in? It's a part of our stewardship, dear ones. Can you with a clear conscience before God and say, Hey, I am investing and sometimes I get it sometimes we do so unwittingly in this day and age and because of the diversification of just, multinational and just big corporate entities and everything, but are we unwittingly investing in companies that are wreaking havoc upon the church and family? As far as woke neomarxism, all these types of things. Anyway, this is, the point being is that scripture speaks to everything in life. And we will give an account of all these things before the Lord. As far as whether or not we're all in. One guy said once before he was with the Lord, he said, Pastor, if I gave 10 percent to the church, I would be in the poorhouse. Really? How many times do you go to Starbucks? Speaking of woke neomarxism, how many times do you go to Starbucks any given week? You get the point? Connect the dots, dear ones. But look, go on in verse 16, it says, this ministry, this stewardship of grace, he says this, he says that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God. That the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. So the Apostle Paul had been given the stewardship of the Gospel of Grace to go forth to the nations in spite of Israel. God's heart throughout the entire Word of God. We see this in the prophetic program. And listen, the mystery is not Gentile salvation, dear ones. God's heart is always, read Isaiah for crying out loud. Read the prophets. And I say that because if we are not deliberate and systematically reading the entirety of the Word of God, I guarantee you there will be perhaps entire books of the Bible that you will seldom, if ever, read. You follow me on that? And so when you read Isaiah, for example, you see the heart of God. Look to me and be saved. All you ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:22. But whereas Paul here in the Age of Grace is that he has been commissioned with the stewardship to go forth to the nations in spite of Israel. And he's not going forth to the nations with the same message, just a different audience. It's like, no, today it's, even the Jews are part of the nations. And yes, especially in light of just the, the headlines and everything. I would concur that God is providentially upheld and raised up, not only the modern state of Israel, but even our nation. Look at Acts 17, dear ones. I could go on, but let's... Proceed to verse 18. For I will not dare to speak of any of those things. Look at this in light of the stewardship of grace. There is also an industry. An industriousness. There is a work ethic of grace. In verse 18 he says, For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me. In word and deed. To make the Gentiles obedient in mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God. So look at what it says right here. So that from Jerusalem where Jerusalem is. And round about to Illyricum. Think of Greece the Peloponnesian Peninsula in the south there. And if you look way up north. To a region that is also known as Dalmatia in the modern era. We've perhaps known it as Yugoslavia, that's dating myself a little bit 'cause the neighbor boy, next door in my hometown growing up, his dad was from Yugoslavia. And so that's basically what we're talking about as far as where Lyra come, is when we're talking about 1000 miles. 1,000 miles from Jerusalem here. And so what the scripture he's laying out here, he's not implying that, Hey, I've evangelized everyone in the region here. But what he's saying is I have, I have so deeply by the grace of God embedded the gospel into communities and entrusted this stewardship to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Second Timothy 2:2. And so Paul is not a lone ranger and that's the issue. Neither is things to commission neither is grace family ministries. So much of this is a body of Christ initiative. How can we partner together and advance the light of the gospel to the ends of the earth? How am I doing here? Am I falling apart here? Okay. All right. Gotcha. All right. It depends on who you ask. Yeah, you are falling apart. But watch this. Look at in verse, verse 20, I'll share this with you. Leonard Ravenhill, once again, and meet for men. He said this, God crammed eternity and infinity and immensity into the heart of the apostle Paul, apart from the son of God. Paul was the wealthiest man that ever lived. He said, it says, what a legacy Paul left the world down through the ages. Millions of men and women, spiritually exhausted, have renewed their strength as they have read the mighty epistles of this Colossus. Yet after reading. Them all. One is impressed not by the cleverness of the remarkable thinker, but by the courage of a remarkable leader. And I would add, and above all, the greatness of the God he served. And so watch this, dear ones. When we look at the stewardship. That we've been entrusted and that certainly does not mean that, Hey, you forsake your foundational responsibilities as far as biblical marriage and family life as you're when you're reaching the world for Christ. And incidentally, I say that because when you read missionary biographies, when you understand church history, many people meaning, just not ill intention. They did things that are weird! For example, that famous line, Only one life too soon be past. Only one life. Only what's done for Christ will last. That was a famous quote from a missionary pioneer by the name of C. T. Studd. He was a Cambridge athlete, a youth of privilege, wealthy. And he threw it all away, as it were, as far as the world is concerned. And he went to the mission field. And he, the Lord used him to do great things. Same type of thing with Billy Sunday, a hundred years ago. And everything what did all that do, as far as if you read about the testimony of his kids? It's like, dude, like, what happened? Well, if dad's always gone, never around, winning the world for Christ, but letting his own kids go to hell, as it were, and C.T. Studd, it's just, once again, it's easy for us to look on, in this vantage point of history, to cast stones and everything, but having said that, it's just like, wait a second, what is going on? Like, C. T. Studd, once, when he went back to England, he left his wife there, and went back to the mission field, didn't see her for 15 years! That's weird! Dude! Man up! Lead, provide and protect on the grassroots level. And so you get the point. There's, we, every one of us have spheres of influence. And it, we can't just go out there and then we're gonna do that. But it's like, hey, how are you doing as far as building spiritual muscle on the grassroots level? First tier responsibilities, dear ones. And so, and that's one of the many reasons why we need to encourage and challenge young people to build spiritual muscle, do ministry, and submit to the, the strenuous and rigorous process of ministry training as far as like a BBI is concerned. And once again, that doesn't mean that you cease to learn and grow as far as further education once you graduate. But you get the point. And look at this as far as you see in verses 18 and 19 as far as Paul's going all over the place. And yeah he was not married. But having said that, when you look at the Pauline epistles, when you see the normal situation which he is exhorting people in churches, Is that many people were, and they should be encouraged and challenged due to creation order and dear ones. And I'll say this about work ethic. One of the big issues that we're dealing with in the modern church is partly flows out of some of the gifts I received for my birthday this week. There is a U. S. Senator by the name of Josh Hawley from Missouri. He wrote a book called Manhood. The masculine virtues that America needs. And yes, friends of mine give me a hard time. It's like, man, you talk about all these books and everything, but you haven't read them. It's like, well, some I have. And this one I have. So, anyway. Little bit of a inside joke back story on there between Paul and I. But anyway so, who who needs enemies when you got friends, right? You know, but the point being is that, these types of guys, they're emphasizing the importance of work ethic. Because, listen, and this gets into church history as well. Because if you understand that prior to the Reformation, the only way that you could serve God was basically as a monk, or a priest, or a nun. That was the holy work. But it was because of the Reformation that upheld the, reality of us being created in God's image, and therefore been we have a responsibility to honor the Lord in whatever vocation He calls us to. We're the butcher, baker, candlestick maker. You get it, right? And so what's called the Puritan work ethic coming out of the Reformation. And if there's any day and age in our nation's history that we needed a resurgence of work ethic, for crying out loud, it's today. And it's not just merely amongst the young. Because listen, when I see dudes on the street corner holding signs, it's almost invariably, it's older men. But once again. What happened in their background? Where were their dads who dropped the ball? Yes, you're responsible, but every one of our lives affect one another. And so this is the issue. You see Paul here, he has an industrious work ethic. He is at it. But look in verse 20, check this out. And so I, I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, dear ones. And listen, the power of God to salvation is in the gospel of Christ. And so listen, when you see in Romans chapter 1, incidentally, I would encourage you. Regardless of where you live, and frankly the sexually perverse, one month is not enough for them, and so they want to get the whole kitten caboodle and everything. And so I bring that up because whenever you see a rainbow flag, Pray for the salvation of the sexually perverse and pray invoke the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Romans 1:18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress or Push down or hold down the truth and unrighteousness and right in that same context in the midst of this whole situation of a Romans one pagan culture, hell and rebellion against Almighty God. The answer is right there in verse 16. It says, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Why? For it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes, dear ones. And I guarantee you that if you want to, by the grace of God, if God's spirit is moving in your heart and there's something in you, it's like, I want that. I want to be all in for the Lord Jesus Christ. Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. There is nothing, count on it, there is nothing that will electrify your spiritual life. Then even if it's a bumbling, fumbling, just, your way to do so. It just, and you speak of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Here's a gospel tract. And you know what? They just might take it. Don't say gospel tricks, they don't know what that is. They'll say, hey, did you get one of these? Take something relevant to pop culture. Grim Reaper encouragement for ya. Ooh, I like that! Yeah! And give him a Snickers bar if you want to, so long as Snickers aren't, isn't woke now, too, but, you know, I digress, but you get the point and everything. But build spiritual muscle. It'll electrify your spiritual life. Open up your mouth, speaking of your faith in Christ. But look at this, the strategy of grace. He says, not where Christ, in verse 20, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man's foundation. So Paul, he was very deliberate in going to what missiologists call nowadays, as far as unreached people groups and these types of things. And, That having said that and so regardless of the situation, whether we go over there or we go here, one of the many things that we must learn from the life and ministry and the legacy of Apostle Paul is that he had an intelligent understanding of the times. In other words, he had his wits about himself. He had enough wherewithal to understand his target audience. So he understood the difference with like an act chapter 13. He understood, he's quoting Old Testament scriptures. Why? Because these are People with Jewish spiritual foundations. And so, therefore, they had a baseline, fundamental, Christian worldview that God is creator and He's revealed Himself in creation and in Scripture. But when He's dealing with pagans, like in Acts chapter, what, 14 or 17 in Athens and everything, what are He's doing? He's taking something that's common to the culture, like altar to the unknown God or grim reaper or whatever. And he's using it as a bridge to meet them where they're at and to take them from where they are to where they need to be. Does that make sense? Basically, don't be afraid of these things in the world and just understanding. In other words, it's what many have described as the pre evangelistic necessity of worldview and apologetics. And for example, one of the things that... It's been a blessing to do, whether at Northern Grace Youth Camp or various places across the country, is obviously this church is very familiar with Dr. David Noble, and with Summit Ministries and everything, and one of the things that I love doing is, this is a comprehensive biblical worldview quiz, and there's a whole host of other good, articles and everything, and listen, It's exciting being a Christian. It's a true and false quiz. The idea is that, I can discover all truth if I just look within myself. Is that true or false? Well, that's false. Back it up with scripture. And back chapter and verse and a host of items here and just other resources and everything. I'll just leave these here and just some good stuff if you're interested in everything. And look in verse 20, he says, but as it is written to whom he was not announced, they shall see. And they, and those who have not heard shall understand. Paul quotes the Old Testament all the time. That doesn't mean that the, the mystery is encapsulated there in form. And it is just not, it wasn't revealed as much as. Is it now and everything and just it's like, no, that's not what's going on. But by divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he is taking text of scripture and principles of scripture from the Old Testament. And he said, Hey, this is for us today as well. And so this is right from Isaiah 53, text here. And so the issue is, this is if you turn over to Romans chapter 10, let me show you this. Romans chapter 10 in verse 14. It says, How then shall they call on him in whom they have not heard, believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? Can somebody believe in Jesus if they've never heard of Jesus? God has plan A, and that's you and I. And listen, it's kind of like what Mordecai told Hadassah in the book of Esther. If you don't do this, help will arise in another place. In other words, God is going to carry out the eternal counsel of his will, whether or not we are on board. But we'll miss out. It will be much for our benefit, our good, if we do so. And his glory will be magnified all the more through our lives. But just like Mordecai told Hadassah, he says, But who knows whether or not you've come to the kingdom for such a time as this. When the Lord opens your eyes to a need. What are you gonna do about it? And that's why we covet your prayers for our missionaries who are serving with TCM, and even as we move forward with Grace Family Ministries. And this is the issue. Is that we are plan A. And at the end of verse 14 it says, And how shall they hear without a preacher? Open up your mouth. The world is consistently telling, especially us men, You sit down, you shut up. You fall in line where all the while God's spirit is beckoning to our hearts. And even as Apostle Paul prayed, Lord, give me utterance. Give me boldness that I may open my mouth to proclaim the mystery of the gospel. And so Paul needed that prayer. You and I need that as well, dear ones. And ladies, allow, let your husbands lead. If you want your husbands to become the men that God has called them to be, and you, you, and every, everything that your hearts desire and longs for them, that you would wish they would be, let them lead. Let them lead. And be there, alongside the whole way. To whom he was not announced, they shall see. And those who have not heard, shall understand. And I'll leave you with this. Member Ravenhill's Challenge on the front end from the book Meat for Men. It's basically the sequel to his book, Why Revival Tarries. Oh, wow. Good stuff. How he said no nation is better than its church, and no church is better than its people. Only God transformed personalities can change the moral fiber of the nation and the nations of the world. He goes on, he says, A man who has traveled through much of Europe, He says this, the lost millions of this day are the casualties of the church's faithlessness. God pity us, sleepers can be wakened, zeal can do wonders. A man who has traveled through much of Europe, the British Isles, (this is back in the 1960s), Canada and America writes me that he thinks America has passed the point of no return. I hope he's wrong. Perhaps no surprise, that a guy like this,he, ended up living in Texas. Where I believe the Lord took him home as well. He says, I hope he is wrong. Repentance and contrition can work miracles. Never in my life, as on this present world tour, he was on a ministry adventure trip, have I felt the criminality of the church in withholding or neglecting to give the message of the Savior to men. The plight of the Congolese materially is terrible. But far worse is the overall picture of world domination by the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, and the devil in his works. Watch this. It says, the octopus of iniquity has this world in the tight embrace of its poisoning tentacles of communism. Think Marxism and Romanism. Think religion, as well as liberalism in the church. Think of deconstruction and wokeness and all this type of stuff. And the church, he says, still more tightly, it is held by materialism. I repeat, for repetition is the law of teaching. I like that. 1,000 million lost people in this day are the casualties of the church's faithlessness. If you watch this, he says if you are a spiritual juvenile, With your soul's mental climate, wanting nothing more than immunity from eternal justice, escape from eternal fire, and a mansion on the main street of glory with impeccable music from a hundred million voice choir of angels. He says, then this message is not for you. He says, I speak to spiritual adults, to those who have become spiritual men and have put away childish things. To you I speak with a trumpet voice. This is our hour. The next may be too late. There is still a narrow neck of time in which we can have revival. This is the mission of grace, dear ones. Father, we're grateful indeed that you are worthy of all praise. And may we faithfully discharge our duty in the sight of the true and living God, investing our lives in a transcendent cause of life. Investing this day in light of that day, and one that will echo throughout eternity to the praise of your glory forever and ever. Hallelujah. In Christ Jesus. Amen.
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