March 24, 2024 (Palm Sunday) Elder Randy Hughes I want to talk with you today concerning the Pharisees. The passage that Randy read today, I thought, was really, really interesting. And there is a problem with these Pharisees. We all know that. And the Pharisees pouted and they whined about the people praising. cheeses with palms and with their clothing. They climb up the trees and they break down the branches and they're being excited and just uncharacteristic of them, but that's what was taking place. So today is Palm Sunday, and I want to look at this account from Luke. And I want to point out four things that the Pharisees didn't understand and see if we can understand, we, ourselves, if we can understand what their problem is, but also what it is that we should take from this. There's no doubt we all understand this is Luke in the Gospels. That's okay. And it's part of the Jewish books and it's all about what's taking place in Jews. And we understand that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, right? But the people were looking for something other than just the Messiah. And that's where the Pharisees were having some problems. Jesus, you know, the Pharisees didn't understand who Jesus was. Look at verse 39 in Luke chapter 19. And it says, and some of the Pharisees seen from among the multitude said unto the master, rebuke thy disciples. He, they wanted Jesus. to stop them from praising him, from glorifying him. And the Pharisees heard the people praising Jesus and they said, rebuke those disciples. And notice in verse 38, the people were shouting, blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. You know. We understand that that's who they were looking for. They were looking for a king. And not just a king. We'll find that out later. But they were also looking for a warrior. They wanted someone that's gonna come in and wipe out the Romans and take away all of their issues. That's what they really, really wanted. And the Pharisees wanted them to rebuke Jesus because they called him king. And, you know, the reason why... Why they wanted Jesus to do this was that the key reason they misunderstood the scriptures. They didn't understand the scriptures. And yet they had memorized almost the entire Old Testament. They knew the scriptures, but they didn't understand the scriptures. And the Pharisees were a sect. And a sect is, the definition of that is a religious sect is a body or a number of persons united in a belief that has separated from the larger group. I'll say that again. It's a body or a number of persons united in a belief that is separated from the larger group and has a particular set of religious or political beliefs. That's called a set. They were the leaders and teachers of the Jewish people. But they don't understand the scriptures very well themselves. And I like to describe them. You know, I go back to sawdust days, and even farmer's market. When we're out there and we're sharing the gospel, and sometimes, and Mike Bratz, you and I were at sawdust days a lot together. And Mike and I both, we would have these conversations with people, and these people would say, don't confuse me with the facts. They didn't want to know the facts. They didn't want to know what this Bible here had to say about their salvation and their need for it. And then I call these people, you know, the crowd that don't bother me, confusing me with the facts, because I already know what I believe. That was the Pharisees. The Pharisees said, I know what I believe. I know the scriptures. I've memorized the scriptures. understand the scripture. And you know, that crowd that you see there oftentimes is very, very interesting. The Pharisees already had most of the Old Testament memorized. And in fact, they very rarely understood what they were seeing right before their very own eyes on this particular day. They had no idea what they were seeing. They probably memorized some of the prophecies, but they had no idea who Jesus was. and they didn't want to know. You know, they didn't understand the truth of the Word of God. because they had knowledge, but they didn't have understanding. And that's one of the big problems with the Pharisees. And they knew the Old Testament scriptures that predicted the Son of God was to be born. They knew all about that there will be the Son of God, but they didn't know who that person was, and they didn't reckon on this. when Jesus came across into that triumphal entry. And he stood right in front of them. Yes, they didn't see it. Jesus was indeed the Messiah. He was the Son of God, he was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, as we know. He was the King of the Jews, but they didn't recognize him. They knew all the prophecies. They watched them being fulfilled right in front of their very eyes. But they didn't understand what all was taking place. This is the triumphal entry of God, of Jesus, as he came into the... city of Jerusalem. I believe the reason why they don't understand who Jesus truly was is that the Pharisees had a real lust for power. That was important to them. And not only power, but recognition. They loved what people would say about them. They were a prideful God's word say about being faithful. That's who they were. They were prideful men, and they didn't care. They wanted everyone to know just how good a people they were. They loved the attention they got. And not only did they love that, the people, they also loved the rules in which. the people had to follow. Because that gave them. And so they had a thumb on the people, the Jews of Jerusalem. That's what the Pharisees did. And you know, when you stop and you think about that, they saw Jesus as a threat to their ability to rule over and to control the people. So they told Jesus to rebuke. those disciples. And believe it or not, they said, you are not the son of God. So quit fooling them. That's what they believed, what they were looking at. He was not the Son of God. Look at verses 39 through 41. This is Jesus' response to them. And some of the Pharisees from among them altitude said unto the master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that if these should hold their peace, The stones would immediately cry out. And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and he wept. He said to them, when they said to stop fooling, Jesus really was the Son of God, whether the Pharisees understood that or not. So Jesus said, I'll tell you, these rocks will cry out if I stop the disciples. And you need to understand, I really am the Son of God. And I'll tell you. that someone or something is going to praise me whether you believe it or not. And when he came near, he beheld the city and he wept over it. He was grieving over it. You know, we've all been there, haven't we? You know, we've all grieved over a loss of a loved one, over something that meant a lot to you. And now it's gone. We grieve over those things. You know, I grieve over the loss of my mom and my dad. My grandson this week, we were out driving around and we did a little shopping together and just having some fun. And he asked me, he said, Papa, where's your mom? Where's your mom? said, well, he's three years old. And I said, Declan, I hope my mom's in heaven with Jesus, but I'm not sure of that. So did you put her in the ground? Well, grandma was pre-maid and my brother had all those ashes. And I don't know what he did with them. She really loved fishing at a lake. Maybe you took them up there and put them in the... I said understand that one. You know, these bodies are only with us for a long. And his favorite word is, why? looking at all of your friends and you know, and I said, well, because. Oh, it's better. I'm so sorry. I wasn't. Sorry about that. Can you hear me now? Oh yeah. Oh I am really sorry about that. I'm sorry. But I told him, I said, you know, our bodies are our tent. And one day when Papa dies, I will be put in the ground. And my soul that lives within me. would go to heaven with God. Why? Because I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, Declan. And one day we'll talk more about this. But you see, grieving is a part of life. God expects us to grieve. This is not the only verse where it says Jesus wept. But he wept over that city. He saw that city. And he also knew what was going to take place in five days. He knew that. And so he was weeping over that. These were his people, his called out people. And he wanted them to believe. The only thing, I'm going to read verses 42 to 44 if I can. It says, saying, well I'll go back to 41, and when he was coming near, he beheld the city and he wept over it, saying, if thou hast known even thou, at least in this day, thy day. the things which belong unto thy peace. But now they are hid from thine eyes. Remember he's talking to the Pharisees. And for the days shall come upon thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, encompass thee around, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the the ground and thy children with thee and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation." They didn't understand what Palm Sunday was all about. And you know The only thing that would bring peace to Jerusalem, to the Jews. to you, to me, or to anyone else who puts their faith and trust in Christ, our Savior and Lord. It only comes from Jesus Christ. We can't find peace on our own. It just will not happen. Jesus accurately predicts the end of peace in Jerusalem. And Jesus wept for his people. He wept for his relatives and for his family. and for all the people of the earth, because He knew. He knew five days from then that He was going to die upon the cross. He knew that. And you know, Jesus said to the Pharisees, if you the Jews and me and you, He said to the Pharisees, if you the Jews, me, you and anyone else, this day that this day would bring you peace. What you feel? You see, Jesus Christ is the only one that can bring us peace. He's the only one that can bring peace to the nation. He was the only one that can bring peace to the nation of Israel, to his own people. He's the only one that can bring peace between our neighbors. He's the only one that can bring peace in our families. He's the only one that can offer forgiveness for our sins and remove our guilt. The only way to experience peace is to know Christ, the Son of God, the Son of the true living God. Jesus wept because he knew he was going to die in less than a week. He wept because they didn't understand that his death was the only thing that would bring them peace. They didn't know that he was the Prince of Peace. The Pharisees also didn't know that his house was supposed to be a house of prayer. Now how can that be? They're the high priest. They are the leaders. How can they not know that the temple is the house of prayer? And Jesus went into the temple and he saw that they were selling things. John 2.15 says, So he made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. And Jesus said, My house will be a house of prayer, but you made it a den of thieves. Grace Bible Church, Ashgash, is supposed to be a house of Bernie spoke to that this morning, how important prayer is. And I'm excited. We've always prayed. But I'll tell you, we had a planning conference, and four men prayed for 45 minutes. Just praying for each other and for this family of God, for this church, for our ministries. for all the things that we're trying to do to bring Christ into our lives fully and completely. And you know, he said, I want to turn to Isaiah 56. Turn to Isaiah 56 and Let me get there. Isaiah 56. And I'm gonna be reading verse seven. Isaiah 56 or 7 in even them While bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar for mine house Shall be called a house of prayer for all people I ask you. We recognize that our church is the house of prayer. What about your house? Is it a house of prayer? I pray that it is. Turn to Jeremiah, chapter 7. Jeremiah chapter 7. It always blesses me. Most mornings I wake up and I walk out. My wife's already been up for about a half an hour or so. And her Bible is open and oftentimes I catch her praying. And I go out in the other room and I may pray, but I just thank God for a godly wife, a godly woman. And I thank God for all the godly women. It's amazing. It's amazing what our women in this church does. And we were blessed as a board this last Monday as we shared the ministries and we got to the Daughters of Grace. And I wish you could have been there to hear the praises that were shared for the Daughters of Grace. That ministry has been around for a long, long time. And it shows. It shows. And we're so very, very thankful for it. In Jeremiah chapter 7 and verse 11, he says, is this house, which is called by my name, become a robbers in your eyes? Behold, I have seen it, saith the Lord. You know, here he is. This is Jeremiah. He's predicting what would take place in Jerusalem. Why would Jerusalem weep? Or why would Christ weep? Because he saw what the prophets had prophesied. You know, Jesus was pointing out that although the Pharisees knew the scriptures, they did not understand them. Not only did the Pharisees not understand who Jesus was, or that he was the only one that could give peace, they also didn't know what the temple Jesus' house was for. I don't understand that. You would think someone would know better. of those supposedly leaders of that group. But they didn't. They memorized the Old Testament forwards and backwards. But they didn't understand the scriptures. I know people who read the Bible. Some people we witness to come up and they'll spout out a verse and I would ask them, what does that verse mean? Tell me what that verse means. And they can't give me an answer. They know it, but they don't understand it. And so I would share with them. Well, you know that verse is talking to the Jews. It's not talking to you and I. talking to the Jews. Do you follow that verse? Well, I try. That's not good enough. Because if you're following that verse, you've got to follow all of it. or else you're going to die, and you're going to die without Christ. You know, it's so important that we not only read the Word of God. And I know I've said this a lot, and I know you've heard it a lot, but we've got to study the Word. We've got to take time to study it. And I am so thankful. You know, right now we're studying the book of Galatians. Pathfinders, we're going to be studying the book of Ephesians. And church, starting on April 7, we're going to begin a study of the book of Acts. Isn't that exciting? I'm telling you, I was thinking about that the other day at home, and I'm going, wow. We're really studying the Word of God, and praise the Bible. And it's a good time for you to invite, bring your friends. Next Sunday is resurrection. Bring your friends. Have them come and hear what I think is gonna be one of the most beautiful worship times we've ever had. We got a small choir, but all the music in that choir is just amazing. And I promise you, you will be blessed. But we have special music, we have special songs, we have testimony. Today we're gonna have communion. And I've asked Bernie if he would give a testimony. before we take communion today. Because I think it's important, and I'm gonna be doing that from now on when we have communion. I'll ask one of you to share your testimony. Bernie, it can't go for an hour. But anyway, pray, study. That's what God intended us to do. Jesus was pointed out that although they knew the scriptures, they did not understand them. Not only did they not understand that God could give peace, they also didn't understand about their temple. And herein lies the problem with Phariseeism. The problem with the Pharisees' obvious wasn't a lack of effort. Oh, no. They worked hard. There's no doubt about that. They'd lived up to... what they wanted and what they were looking for. But we all understand God desires to walk worthy of our calling. He desires that we do study the scriptures. And it's my belief that a lot of people study the scriptures, but they don't know God. And if you don't know God, when a person's trying to do all. the do's and don'ts, they are missing the point. God wants us to have a personal relationship with him. You know, and I think that is the most important thing. He wants to be your Heavenly Father. Young marriage, young people, listen, your calling is to walk worthy of what God wants you to do. And it's no doubt in my mind, he wants to be your heavenly father. The sad truth today is there are many religious people that think God's house is simply a place to get through your sticks. And it's a place where you can meet with friends, sing a few songs, hear a message from the Bible, and go home and go back to being in normal chill. That's what a lot of people want. They don't want to be challenged. They don't want to hear what things, they don't want to hear about sin. That's for sure. They want something that's gonna make them feel good. I gotta tell you, that will never be Grace Bible Church, gosh gosh, never. And, you know... And you know, knowing the Bible, studying a Bible is not the end of it. We are to practice what we learn, are we not? And the purpose of studying the Bible is to get to know God. It's learned to love God. love who he is. It's to experience God in our everyday life. And when I think of a testimony, even when I come into church or I'm here and I'm sitting up here and I'm looking around and talking to people and just hearing what God is doing in people's lives and watching them share with one another. Do that sometimes. Don't stand out there and talk. Come on in here and sit and watch as people talk and see each other or stand out there if you want. But don't talk to anybody, just watch and see how God fellowship, that fellowship just continues to grow. He wants us to learn how to worship Him. And He wants us to understand the churches to pray and it's to a living God. We need to pray as a church. And believe me, we as a board have talked about it. But without a pastor and with all the things that the Board of Elders has to do, even on a Sunday, it's very difficult to organize a prayer group like we did when we were at the school for a while. I miss that. I miss that, sitting together and just praying for one another and for the church service. Maybe we can get that started again. Maybe that's something that God's laid on your heart to start. And people could involve themselves in that. Luke, 1948. Look what that says there. in Luke chapter 19 verse 48. It says, I'm gonna start in 47, and he taught daily in the temple, but the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him and could not find what they might do, for all the people were very attentive to hear him. Isn't that exciting? They wanted to kill Jesus, but they couldn't do it themselves. That would be wrong. They had to find a way. We know they did, didn't they? And since Jesus had humiliated these Pharisees repeatedly, they were continually wanting to kill him. Because they were the Pharisees, they couldn't do it personally. They could do it publicly. and they could find a legal reason for the government to kill him. They couldn't find a way to do it immediately, but they did it by the end of the week. The Pharisees were unable to kill him until he was ready. That's the power of God. There were things he had to do yet that week. And God had to watch his son be beaten. Be with. Be nailed to a tree. Be left there to die. You know? Pharisees were unable to kill him. The only reason they were able to succeed because he let them do it. He let them do it. No one took his life. No one. He gave it. He gave it to each of us. And brothers and sisters, if you have not yet trusted... the Lord. Please do. Please do. All you have to do is put your faith and trust in the finished work of Christ and acknowledge that you are a sinner and you will be saved. In conclusion, the Pharisees had some problems, alright. They didn't understand who Jesus was. They didn't understand that Jesus was the only way for peace. They didn't understand what Jesus' house was for, and they didn't understand the power of His words. What about us here at Grace Bible Church? Do we understand? Do we understand what our role is as a church, but also as an individual? Is it different today? Do we understand what that is? And are we truly living for Christ? Are you walking worthy of your calling? We can learn a lot from the Pharisees. We can learn a lot about what not to do. but Jesus took that away. And if you put your faith and trust in Christ, those sins that you had done, those sins that you will do today, those sins that you will do in the future, will be all forgiven. And you will be adopted son of the true and living God. Let us pray. Our heavenly Father, I wanna thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for the Holy Spirit and for the wonderful things that you have shared with us today from your work. I can't be humbled enough. Just the power of standing behind this pulpit is just amazing. I just feel so much closer to you as I'm reading your word and as I'm preaching your word. Father, I just play that you were honored and glorified for all that was said and done. Thank you for these brothers and sisters in the Lord. And I thank you for their lives and for their testimonies. And I ask that you go before them. Continue to strengthen them. To continue to help them to grow in your word. and in their walks. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the love that you showed us. We're thankful for the triumphal entry. And we're thankful for the boldness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as He talked to the Pharisees. Most of all, Lord, we're thankful for all that He went through. that week, that which is called the Holy Week. or think. I can't thank you enough for his death, his burial, and most of all, Lord, his resurrection, for the victory that we have over sin through your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you so very, very much. In Jesus' name we pray.
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